Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Blank Paper

                                                                                   At first, I would try and draw. But anyone that knows me would know that the only things I can draw are cats. But this time around I tried to draw a flower, looking at it makes me remember why I’m not profound when it comes to drawing flowers. To cover the flower, I try to write a poem. When I finished the poem I go over it and try to fix all the words that fell into the poem without meaning too. Maybe in the end it would be a beautiful mess, but I don’t have that high of hopes.

Thursday, February 20, 2014


The future is the smoke of tomorrow                                                                          All we ever talk about is this smoke                      Even know, the smoke gets blown away by the day                                                                              What if we lived for today?                                        I believe we would have more of tomorrow                  But even as I write this, smoke is holding me back                                                                        Maybe one day when we are old                            Smoke will have no hold                                                                                                                              

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Strong as a Horse

    I walked to my friends house after school, because my car was taken away by my mom. She said that I drive to fast. That I would hit a animal, which has already happened before. In my defense; it was a bird that flew a crossed the road and tried to punch my car. It wasn't my fault. It was the bird's. As I got to the door of Taylor's blue house, I knocked hoping I wouldn't have to wait too long. Because the sky looked like it was going to have a melt down and rain. It needs to get its feeling fixed, because I hate rain. As Taylor opened the door she said "You will never guess who called!".