Thursday, March 27, 2014

My Own Place to Hide

I love reading a book no one knows about                                              It’s like having a secret place to hide  Because you don’t have all the fan girls going crazy                             Don’t get me wrong I love fan girls          And I’m a fan girl most of the time                                                      But it’s nice to have something that’s my own                                         And everyone not going crazy about                                                                                      But this is also very selfish of me                                                                                            To not share a place that’s amazing                                                                                 But sometimes you just need a place                                                                                  That no one knows about                                                                                                    P.S. I’m sorry, but I’m not going to share. I need my own place to hide.                                                                                                                                      

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Makeup Lies

When you get ready in the morning                         You start to think about what is coming                    You put on your makeup, even if it’s on the inside     So you can hide                                                        Because you hate the feel inside                                  Even I have put on skin colored powder, to hide                  

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

A Book for the Weekend

As I go through my mind trying to find a book that I want to read, but it's hopeless. I'm leaving on Friday for a trip with my youth group and I want something to read. But my mind being the place that it is, I don't know what I want. We are going to be on a bus ride for about 7 hours and I can only be nice to people for about 3 hours. So if I don't get a book in time, I will feel bad for everyone around. Because, I'm mean when I have to listen to people talk for 7 hours straight.                                                                                                                P.S What book should I read?

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Ode to Peter Pan

He has such playful way of being    He doesn’t have a care in the world                                                 He is always happy                          But If something upset him, he can fly way                                 But I am stuck on the ground           When I think about growing up      I see him as staying the same        He has almost has the perfect life                                            Living in the world where fairy lights shine                                                                  All the time                                                                                                                     Where dreams are real                                                                                                       And that’s where he belongs                                                                                              In a place that’s just as mysterious as him                                                                         In a place called Neverland                

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The Fabric Store

As I walked into the fabric store, I see them ready to attack. They all stop and look at me, with a mean look in their eyes. I have been going to this fabric store sense I was 11 years old, so I know drill. You would think they would be nice and want people to learn the tricks of their trade, but there don't. Once you pick out the fabric they started  hovering around me. Asking me what I'm making so I say "I don't know" with a fake smile and  walk/run away. But then the worst part starts, because I came on a Saturday.