Tuesday, March 11, 2014

A Book for the Weekend

As I go through my mind trying to find a book that I want to read, but it's hopeless. I'm leaving on Friday for a trip with my youth group and I want something to read. But my mind being the place that it is, I don't know what I want. We are going to be on a bus ride for about 7 hours and I can only be nice to people for about 3 hours. So if I don't get a book in time, I will feel bad for everyone around. Because, I'm mean when I have to listen to people talk for 7 hours straight.                                                                                                                P.S What book should I read?


  1. 'You Should Have Known' by Jean Hanff Korelitz... I didn't read this, I just googled book and it was one of the first results. #GoodLuck

  2. I would suggest works of Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, Victor Hugo, or Koushun Takami

  3. Your mind is a book by itself. Go back, think of those memories. your school days, or childhood days. I always read my own book; my memories
